
o ljudima i promenama

Dearest Sir,

so you've left again. Hope the island is as cold and uncomfortable as you remember it.

Seems like I got used to you leaving all the time. Here I present you a recent discovery of mine - I have actually spent enough time in this place to understand that leaving is a terribly usual thing.

Imagine this - and I am not trying to be pathetic - I have believed all these years that happens only if you allow it to happen.

As Christmas approaches, I see my friend Ana Lucia more often with eyes red or full of tears. Today she ran out like that, leaving me there feeling useless. Seems like I am not able to do anything, except joining her and crying our eyes out.

I'd like to cry because of you, honestly I would, but somehow I don't believe that's what's happening here.

Hope you're missing me.


Oh, how wonderful you are,

dear, dear Mr Hancock!
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